Meet Lisa Appelbaum: PISO’s New Commercial Leader for the Northeast

Lisa Appelbaum recently joined PISO as our new Commercial Leader for the Northeast, bringing with her a wealth of experience and a passion for sustainability. Before joining PISO, Lisa spent three years at Tesla as a Commercial Project Developer, where she was instrumental in deploying over 120 DC fast ports across New York State. Her transition into the EV charging industry has been a rewarding journey, driven by her desire to make a meaningful impact on the environment and the future of transportation.

A Career Shift Toward Sustainability

Lisa’s career began in shipping and logistics, but she quickly realized that her true passion lay in sustainability. Seeking new opportunities, she made the leap into the EV charging industry—a move that has since defined her professional path. “It’s been a fantastic change in my career,” Lisa shares. “I get to travel to a lot of places, see new things, and work with businesses looking to embrace EV charging.”


Lisa was drawn to PISO for its depth of experience, with over 11 years in the industry, and our comprehensive approach to EV infrastructure. The variety of projects, from Level 2 and Level 3 charging to fleet and pantograph chargers offers Lisa the perfect environment to continue her professional growth. Lisa looks forward to these new experiences continuing to define her career with PISO.

Looking Ahead

As Lisa settles into her role at PISO, she’s eager to contribute to the company’s mission of expanding EV infrastructure along the Eastern Seaboard and beyond. With her extensive background and fresh perspective, Lisa is a valuable addition to the PISO team, ready to lead the charge of making sustainable transportation a reality for all.

Check out Lisa’s full interview and stay tuned for more updates as the PISO team continues to advance EV infrastructure and shape the future of electric mobility. Stay connected with PISO as we drive the evolution of EV infrastructure. Follow our blog to keep up with our journey, and contact us to join in fueling the future of transportation.

Join the Revolution

If you’re interested in buying and/or installing one in your area, reach out to us today for more information.

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